364 physiotherapists
Specialists agree
98.1% of the specialists who responded to our survey say that patients with back problems would feel better by sitting on a Backapp. 97% say that it has a positive effect on the functioning of the lower back. Over 70% point out that Backapp affects the stabilizing muscles of the back (Transversus Abdominis and Multifidus), both of which have a major effect on the stability of the lumbar region.
Backapp strengthens the neck
There is no doubt that balance training on a Backapp has a direct, positive effect on the back. 67.3% of specialists also feel that patients with neck problems would benefit from training on a Backapp, and 62.1% feel that sitting on a Backapp has a positive effect on neck function. It is interesting that so many think that balancing the body in a chair has a positive effect on neck function.
Backapp can have positive effects on the hips and pelvis
Backapp also exercises the hips and pelvis, and the open seated posture and the motion of the chair have a positive effect on these body parts. 49.5 % of specialists also feel that patients with hip problems would benefit from training on a Backapp, and 39.3 % feel that sitting on a Backapp has a positive effect on hip function.
Chiropractors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and physicians from all across the Nordic region recommend Backapp for their patients
95.1% of specialists would recommend Backapp to their patients with back problems (348 of 364). The 18 persons who responded no, either had no patients, felt that the chair was too expensive, felt that the requirement for a height-adjustable table was too difficult or had opinions on the chair's design.
You can sit comfortably on Backapp - while you are exercising and getting stronger
96.4% specialists also say that they sit comfortably on a Backapp, which is a clear benefit when you will be sitting many hours in the future!